Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Still Life

In this photo I laid my iPod on a sheet of music and put the headphones into a heart shape. I love this photo because it expresses my love for music and creating music. It describes who I am.

This picture is my personal favorite. I took a vintage frame and an old antique Argus camera and put it behind the frame. It describes to me what could be in that picture frame someday.

In this picture I found as many eclectic books as i could find, opened them up, and stacked them on top of each other. I like the jumble of disorganization it creates.

This picture is a picture of 4 jars. 3 of them contain rose petals and one contains 2 roses. It almost symbolizes the cycle of life and death. I like what it portrays.

This picture is another one of my favorites because of the lighting. It's a picture of a key on a journal that I have. I set it up in my bathroom, turned off all the lights, and had one handheld lamp that I moved in different positions to get different angles of dramatic light. It almost feels like the journal holds a secret that you have to unlock.

This is another version of the one above.

This is my contact sheet for my still life project.

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